More pics! The colours look different because the lighting and cameras are different.

Kim and I went out to the house today because the seller wanted to show us the fine points of his construction and determine the positioning of the backyard fence, etc.

I feel as though God has already answered my prayer for funds for the down payment. I haven’t seen the cash in the bank yet, but I believe that it’s there “in the Spirit.” It has already been done. I’ll see the evidence by July 7th. It will be so amazing to be able to remove the condition for financing. It will be like a dream!

Because the house isn’t on the lake, the price and taxes are much lower. However, there is a shared deeded lake access with a dock right across the road and so the location is really better. Kim and I went down to the lake today and it is wonderful – a great place to swim and take breaks from the intensity of work.

One of my cousins (Nan) sent a list of scriptures today that she really felt spoke to the situation. It was amazing because I had already been praying some of them.

The funny thing is that I feel a real bond with the builder. He is just a young fellow (about 28) but he has done a remarkable job of building this house. He is a real perfectionist and has gone over the top in making sure that things are finished well and done the very best way possible. It gives me a lot of confidence in my ability to live there alone. I almost feel that God has led this young man in building this house for me.

I realize that I’m going out on a limb saying some of these things when everything is so conditional, but I really feel that way. Maybe it’s all part of faith.