I paid my last rent cheque today for the apartment in which I’ve lived for four years. How time flies! This has been such a lovely place to live – perfect in every way with its rolling lawns, privacy and country beauty. Had my landlord not needed the space for his new family, I would have been quite content to stay for the rest of my years.

Yesterday, I spoke with a man who I regard as one of the world’s great Bible teachers. He had spoken to me about doing four books for him, but is not able to proceed, despite the fact that he still wants to do them. It’s really a shame because he has such depth of understanding to share with the world. This is starting to be recognized more and more as he is being increasingly invited to minister around the world – but he has no books to leave behind to enlarge upon his teachings for people. It occurred to me that anyone willing to fund two of these books could possibly be tax receipted through the ministry. I’m not sure about this, but if anyone is interested, they could contact me directly and I could find out.

With regard to my housing dilemma, two books would look after the down payment. Then I’d just have to look after closing costs.

Today I went up on the hill with my Bible and sat in one of the Muskoka chairs Todd made a few years ago. I’m glad I can take it with me when I move. It was so beautiful in the shade of the maple tree, now so much bigger than when I arrived. I’ve been reading in Isaiah. It was very encouraging today. “They who hope in Me will not be disappointed.” (Is. 49:23b) Further along, I read, “Therefore have I set my face like flint and I know I will not be put to shame. He who vindicates me is near.” (Is. 50:7)

I know this passage was in reference to Jesus, but I really feel that I have “set my face like flint. ” I may have times of weakness, but I don’t waver. My course is set with God. He is near.

Oswald Chambers’ March 15 devotional (just happened to flip to it) speaks of the “Discipline of Dismay.” He speaks of Jesus as “This strange Being with His face set like a flint…”

Today’s reading says, “There must be unflinching loyalty to the Word of God.”

Unflinching. Set like flint. Solid on course.

My signature verse has always been “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” (Prov. 3:5,6)

Unflinching. Set like flint. Solid on course. All my heart. Trusting His leading rather than my own reasonings. Acknowledging God in all my ways.

He will direct my path. 🙂