I yi yi! Just 30 days until the moving truck arrives.

I don’t know exactly what’s happening with God, but feel as though something is up. There is a convergence of circumstances which I do not believe is coincidental.

I have been designing the Crossroads Compass for 26 months and have loved doing it, but because of the merger of Crossroads and CTS, they are now able to produce it internally and so the July issue was my last. Then there’s the matter of my b-day which, this year, signals the commencement of a regular income starting in July (you know – that good news/bad news income – the OAS – yikes – am I here already????). Then there’s the little matter of me having to move from my cozy home in July. These are all major aspects of my life – my work, my income, my home…


What’s up, Lord? I guess I’ll know part of it by July 7th. Either the down payment will be in the bank for my home – or it won’t. If it isn’t, what then? Where will I go? The July 28 moving day is not alterable. It’s fixed – no extensions because my landlord has to do renovations in time for school for his new family.

The only thing I know for sure is that God has a plan.