My son Timothy has led a very adventurous life, for which I am sure God has had to commission a whole legion of angels for protection! Tim is now 40 and a Forensic Fire Investigation Engineer and I am very proud of him, but there have been more hills and valleys in his life than there are crossing the Rockies to reach him where he now resides in B.C. with his family.

When Tim was 12, he was visiting friends of our family on a farm. Their two-story farm house had a steep roof, over which was a tree branch where a mother bird had chosen to build her nest and raise her young. When the boys discovered one of the babies that had fallen out of the nest, hero Tim decided that he needed to return the little bird to its mother.

Carrying the baby in his pocket, he made his way up to the top of the roof, managed to reach the nest and tucked the little bird back in its home.

Then he started to make his way down the steep roof. Suddenly, he lost his grip and began to slide, faster and faster down the roof! He thought he’d be able to grab the eaves trough when he reached the edge – but that didn’t happen. His legs shot over the side of the roof and into the air! Amazingly, there was a clothesline strung about halfway between the stories. Tim’s legs shot between the upper and lower lines. Grabbing the top line as he whizzed through, he suddenly found himself sitting, swinging on the bottom line!

Just a crazy coincidence? I don’t think so. It was a miracle – by design. 🙂