Another day packing, loading, unpacking box after box as I travel back and forth from my home of four years to my new digs. The moving van will arrive bright and early Wednesday morning, but I’m trying to accomplish as much as possible myself because I’ll be paying the movers twelve dollars for every five minutes of their time! Once again I’m writing when very tired, but I must share the amazing goodness of God.

This has been a crazy time. When I was told three months ago that I had to move, I found it very difficult to look for, much less find, a place to rent – and now I believe that it was because God had a perfect spot prepared for me, but His timing had to be synced with the circumstances. I now wonder if the unfruitful journey of exploring the possibility of purchasing may have been a diversion to keep me busy while the right home for me was being prepared. Had I settled for renting the best thing I could find at that time, I would have missed God’s best!!!!

I first met Dennis, my new landlord (a distant cousin), on July 5th, just two days before I hoped to have the down payment for the house I hoped to purchase. The one week extension on the condition gave me time to think more deeply about the possibility of renting from Dennis. By the time I realized that the down payment wasn’t going to materialize, I had switched mental gears from the diversion that had kept me occupied, to the actual provision of the Lord.

This afternoon, my friends (Jane and Jane Anne) arrived to help, neither being aware that the other was coming. It was so exciting to take them together to see the new place. We loaded up their vans and my car and off we went for the 15 minute trek from Port Perry to Uxbridge. When we arrived at the new place, they were amazed to see how perfectly it fits my needs – just the right size, beside a park for Lola, kitchen cupboards that match the wood of my furniture, wall colours that could not have been more perfect if they had been chosen with swatches of my fabrics, a landlord who has worked so hard to make everything perfect for me, living in the same house with his delightful mother (downstairs) who loves the Lord, having family (albeit distant) right there for me, a fireplace, beautifully appointed, etc. etc.

The fact that the house number is #7 was not lost on Jane and Jane Anne – the number of God’s completion! The fact that I was born in Uxbridge, have lived all across Canada and am now returning to the place of my birth has special significance. It feels so right.

Tonite as I prepare for bed, I am in awe at the goodness of the Lord and His provision. He did it! He planned it, prepared it, provided it and now I can rest in His fulfilled promise to care for me. It is truly amazing to be able to see the pieces of His plan fall into place. Thank you, Lord. You are amazing. 🙂