Here it is after midnight again and I’m just starting to blog. I’ve been moving all day and am exhausted, but feel great because I got my new kitchen all organized today – must take some pics for the blog.

My new landlord has been wonderful about getting everything tickety-boo for me before the big move. He’s been putting up crown molding, painting, installing a new washer/dryer etc. etc. – all very physical stuff and tonight he was telling me how much pain he is in daily with his back. He went on to describe the seriousness of his condition. I was amazed because he has been working so hard with no complaint. I asked him if I could pray for his back and he agreed, so I did.

I told him about a young girl by the name of Misty who had had a similar condition to his. She had fallen out of a truck at the age of 16 and was unable to ski or do other active things with her friends. She wasn’t a Christian, but one night there was a faith-healer speaking in Lindsay and I asked her if she’d like to go with me and see whether God might heal her. She agreed, but the speaker gave no opportunity for anyone with back problems to receive healing that night. It was all about headaches, rotater cuff problems, etc. On the way home, I asked Misty if she was disappointed. When she nodded that yes, she was, I said, “Well  if God is God, then He should be able to heal you just as well in your kitchen as at a church. Do you want me to pray for you when we get to your place?” Misty agreed, but in my mind I was thinking, “Lord  what have I done? If you don’t heal this girl, You and I could end up looking very silly, very fast!”

When we arrived at her place (a charming old, two-storey farmhouse), I arranged two kitchen chairs facing each other and asked her to place the heels of her feet in my hands. I could tell that one leg was longer than the other. When I asked her about it, she said yes, that she knew it was, but the doctor couldn’t do anything about it. He had suggested the possibility of having to fuse her spine when she got older.

In the Name of Jesus I spoke to her skeletal system and commanded it to come under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and to be properly aligned according to His perfect creation. When nothing happened, I spoke to her body once again in the Name of Jesus. Suddenly I realized that the heels of her feet were even.  When I asked her if she felt anything happening, she exclaimed, “Yes! I feel as though my back is being pulled right out!”

I suggested that she stand up and see what was happening. She wriggled around and could hardly believe that the familiar pulling was no longer there! She then ran up and down the full flight of steps in great excitement. I told her that it seemed to me as though God loved her so much that he had given her a miracle that millions of people in the world would love to have, revealing His reality to her. Further, I said that if I were her, I’d be accepting Him into her heart. She agreed and we prayed together for salvation and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. It was very exciting!

Now – will my new landlord experience the same healing? I don’t now. The outcome is not my responsibility. I simply did what I was supposed to do as a believer (Mark 16) which is to lay my hands on the sick and pray for their recovery. The rest is up to God – but I can hardly wait to see what He is going to do!