Even though things did not turn out as I had hoped with the purchase of my own home, I have seen God’s hand at work in this move.

I mentioned previously how the last four years have been a great challenge financially as I worked to rebuild my life. I have just barely gotten to the place where I’m holding my own and able to pay my bills even though there’s not much left over.

In April, I learned that my job designing the Crossroads Compass would be ending because of the merger of Crossroads and CTS and the subsequent duplication of services. During the two-month transition, however, I was asked to do not only my job, but also that of my previous boss as managing editor of the magazine. Not only did it mean that I would have the opportunity to implement some of my ideas to make the magazine more interactive, but I would be paid three times my normal salary for those two months! It was very exciting and I looked forward to finally having some surplus!

Not so fast! In May – bingo – along came word that I would have to move, necessitating a variety of expenditures that would have been far beyond my ability to manage, had it not been for the Crossroads situation. I was amazed at God’s provision in preparation for the coming expenses.

And then there was the matter of the apartment in Uxbridge into which I’ll be moving in a couple of weeks. While my early efforts to find a place large enough to suit my needs where Lola would be welcome were fruitless, when it came right down to the crunch last week, along came the availability of this place – a port in the storm should the house deal fall through (which it did). I’ll have the main level of a bungalow about 100 sq. ft. larger than what I now have. It is right next to a park where I’ll be able to run Lola off leash.

So there it was –  God’s hand of miraculous preparation for things I didn’t even know I’d need – all along the way, by His design!