As I write, Lola (my four-year-old cockapoo) is curled at my feet with no desire to be anywhere else in this wide world – or to be with anyone else. She and I happily co-habitate in the simple delight of each other’s company.

Pets are wonderful gifts from God. Following my divorce, I was very lonely and shall never regret adopting Lola. She truly has been a life saver.

I have had many pets through the years – cats named Pasha, Geraldine, Zoe, Agatha, Clara Tabiltha, Mrs. Krinkletail, Sox, Hooligan Gilligan, Mr. Gump, Brother and Portia; dogs named Waggo, Zsa-Zsa, Samantha, Beaureguard, Morgan, Summer, Bailey, Zachariah, Charli and Lola; a bird named Theopholus and a raccoon named Farley.

From time to time, they have had physical challenges as we all do. However, from experience, I have found that we can ask God to heal our pets and He will!

There was a time when Tabitha almost lost her house privileges! She started to urinate in the corners of the house and on soft things like pillows! Before banishing her to kitty heaven, I took her to the vet, where she was diagnosed as having crystals in her urine – a very painful malady because the crystals are difficult to pass. Her prognosis was not good. The doctor aid he had never seen such a severe case!

I’ll never forget laying my hands on that sweet little cat, asking God to heal her. Lo and behold – He did. From that day forward, she never had another painful crystal attack.

Tabitha is now living with my friends, John and Nancy Bobaljik, who adopted her and Clara when I had to move from my house. They have taken such wonderful care of those cats that they are now 16 years old! Thank you Lord, for taking care of even little Hooligans!!