Okay – so I’m human. Although I’ve accepted the fact that I can’t purchase my own home yet and have to rent again, I’m  ticked off about having to move. If I could see purpose in this move beyond my landlord needing the space for his newly-acquired family, I wouldn’t have a problem. If I knew for sure that God had a purpose, I’d be totally on side. However, from my present perspective, all I see is the huge job of moving, the confusion of changing my address and contact info, and a monumental interruption to my work. I am unhappy about losing my hill (my place for prayer and meditation), having to store the lawn furniture my sons made and having to move to a different (although nearby) town.

So – it was in that frame of mind that I decided last night not to go to Bible study at the Embassy this morning. I would stay home and work instead.

However, when morning came, I awoke earlier than planned and I knew that I was to go to Bible study. Margie was teaching a very simple subject – “God is Good, Satan is Bad.” I wasn’t too sure how much I would learn from something so basic, but I was about to find out!

Margie asked us to turn to Nahum 1:7, “He cares for those who trust Him.” Pretty basic stuff, but as I thought about those words, the reassurance of God’s presence, even in these circumstances, was profound. I do trust Him – so He will care for me, even though I may feel as though I’m being sent out on a limb by myself.

Margie went on to say that the darkest place in a person’s life can be their greatest time of promotion. God doesn’t usually share His plans with us. We just have to trust that He is leading if we’re seeking His path.

Then Margie asked us to turn to Psalm 84:5–7. When I went to find Psalms, my Bible flipped open right to that passage! How does that happen in a book with 2172 pages??????

As I read the words, I knew God was speaking directly to me about the journey I’m on. “Blessed are those whose strength is in You, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. As they pass through the valley of weeping, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength till each appears before God in Zion.”

My strength is in Him. Even though I may get down and depressed about it, this move can be a place of refreshing and joy as I give it to God for His working. God will not abandon me. He is taking me from a season of weeping to a new place of refreshing. I need to leave my grumbly thoughts behind and walk forward with praise to God and gratitude for His wonderful provision. The house I will be renting is lovely. Lola is welcome and the owner is being very kind to me. I shall look ahead with joy. I shall not risk looking back and being turned into a pillar of salt!

It is truly miraculous how God can take words written over 2000 years ago and apply them freshly to my life today! Thank you Lord!! 🙂