Here we are in my moving month. The only things standing between me and home are 27 days, packing all my stuff and $40,000. that I don’t have right now.

I’ve been checking Google analytics to see whether anyone is following these words I write everyday. Despite the fact that only two brave souls (thank you Sarah and Candace) have declared themselves as followers, there are over 70 people checking it out regularly. However, interest has begun to decline slightly in the past couple of days because there’s not much happening. I went with friends to see Canada Day fireworks last nite, but there are none on this page – nothing but me waiting here, trusting God to come through by the midnight hour to look after me. It’s not very exciting.

I know that some people think this is ridiculous. What if we all just sat down and waited for God to orchestrate our lives?

I understand. I know it seems ridiculous – but I have peace about it. I don’t know what God is going to do by the seventh of July, but He will do something. He has prepared a place for me to live and He’ll make a way for me to get there.

And I haven’t just sat by twiddling my thumbs. I’ve done all that I can do. I don’t need to repeat it all – anyone who hasn’t been following this journey can go back and read over three weeks of earlier posts to see the progression of events.

There may not be fireworks on this site now, but just wait until my miracle comes! Then – then there will be fireworks! I shall be so excited to see what God does. This situation is impossible for me – but not for God. Nothing is too hard for Him.

Today’s reading included: “The man (woman) who makes Me his refuge will inherit the land.” (Is. 57:13b)