I started to pack yesterday and had a minor meltdown gathering up photos of happier days with my family, etc. Jane-Anne came over and we took a break up on the hill. Things are always better up there sitting in the Muskoka chairs my son Todd made, absorbing the view that goes on for miles and gnawing at the bones of life, trying to find the marrow with a good friend.

By the time Jane-Anne left, I was in a much healthier frame of mind and so continued my packing until after midnight.

This morning at church, I bumped into an old friend, a lawyer who I hope to use for closing the real estate deal. I didn’t mean to tell him the whole story when we first began to talk, but it came out in the conversation and I’m sure he’s never had a situation like this before. At this point, if he actually expects me to show up in his office with papers to be signed, he has as much faith as I do and that is kind of crazy in this situation.

When I got home, my friend Gaynor had forwarded some tweets to me (I draw the techno line in the sand at tweeting:). However, they were appreciated.

From: @TamiHeim
He watches in the hard places and will gloriously come at the perfect hour – without fail.

From: @LisaHBryant
“You can’t out-ask, out-request, or out-pray the ability of God. ” @priscillashirer

From: @MaxLucado
For all the things God does, there is one he refuses to do. He refuses to keep a list of my wrongs.

Three more sleeps until Wednesday when I have to have the down payment in the bank. God is able.