I apologize for being so late with today’s blog at such a critical time! My computer crashed tonite and I wondered for awhile whether I would even be able to do the blog! I was afraid you’d think I’d crashed!

But no. Today was a great day. The seller agreed to a one-week extension of the condition! I am shocked! I was shocked when he accepted my offer – but now – an extension is amazing because there are other people wanting this house.

It has been a long, full, busy day. I’ve been formatting my books into e-books and lining them up with distribution channels today so that I’ll hopefully have some residual income happening while I’m working on other projects. I have wanted to do this for quite awhile, but haven’t had the time. It feels good to have gotten this far.

I’ve had a few ideas today about how I could wangle circumstances to make everything happen – but then I stepped back and said “no.” This time, I’m going to wait for God. I really want this to be all about Him. If this purchase is in His perfect will, then He will work out the details far better than I can. 

All the peripherals seem to have taken shape so well – finding the house, being approved by the bank for a 2.1% mortgage, having my offer accepted, and now having the condition extended for a week. Wow! Even if the miracle down payment doesn’t happen, I feel so much more sure of myself in going forward with life. I am really rebuilding. It’s been a lot of hard work, but it’s happening! The only thing that hasn’t materialized is the miracle. But now there are seven more days!!!!!

I’ve been fasting for the past three days and so it was very interesting that my reading in Isaiah today was all about God’s chosen fast. I’ve always thought it referred to loosening the chains of injustice for others and lifting the yoke of oppression for others – but today I understood that it can be applied to us personally as we deny ourselves in a gesture of drawing closer to God. I could see that God is loosening the chains of injustice in my life and lifting the yoke of oppression. It was very exciting to have that fresh revelation. I look forward to the days ahead…

What will happen?