Today plus five days until we know! I am so amazed at this extension – also very grateful to God for putting a “Plan B” in place, even if does have a miracle planned that will enable me to own my own home once again. It has removed the stress so that either way, I know I’ll have a place to go. When the movers arrive at 8 a.m. on the 28th, I’ll be able to point them to either Uxbridge or Caesarea.

Meanwhile, the girl who is looking after my realtor’s clients while she’s away, called today because other agents (who have clients who want the house) are getting impatient. She wanted to know how sure I am that the funds for the down payment will be in place by the 14th. I told her that I may not know until midnight on the 14th – because God is seldom early, never late but always right on time according to His perfect timing.

If it should happen that I heard wrong and God has no intentions of working a financial miracle, one of my greatest concerns will be that I have held up the selling of the house needlessly and have inconvenienced the realtor and the wonderful young fellow who built the house.

If I heard right and God does have a miracle planned, I am going to be over the moon with happiness, showing that young fellow this blog and demonstrating to him how God used him to build a house for this lady and gave him the wisdom and patience to accept the offer, agree to all the conditions and accept this crazy extension! It will be such a demonstration of the reality of God to him and I deeply hope that it will affect his life’s journey.

Well… we’ll know by the 14th. This time, there will be no extensions!