These four years since my divorce have been a great financial struggle. However, without the struggle, I would never have had the opportunity to see God’s faithfulness and His unfailing hand of provision – and so I am grateful for these amazing years!

I really like clothes. Like most women, I tend to get bored with my wardrobe and love to have new things. It’s difficult to do much about the boredom if one can’t afford to shop – which is exactly where I have been.

A few months ago, I was so tired of wearing the same old things and mentioned to the Lord that it would be really nice if I could have a new wardrobe. I live gently and so my things weren’t worn out – I was just tired of them.

The following week, a friend of mine (who also loves clothes and buys nothing but the best) called and said that she was downsizing her wardrobe and wondered whether I’d be interested in taking a look because she had a lot of things she had never worn. She laughingly suggested that I come over and we could play “What Not to Wear!”

When I arrived, her bed was covered in a huge mound of wonderful clothes – leather jackets, dressy things, casual things and many things with the tags still attached! We had so much fun that night, trying this with that and that with this. When it was time to go, my friend helped me to my car with two big green bags and three smaller white bags full of new clothes – the new wardrobe I had wanted!

When I arrived home, I dumped all the beautiful things out on my bed and immediately went through my closet and drawers, filling up the same bags I had just emptied, ready to give another friend for her daughter who needed things. Then I put all my new things away, amazed at God’s provision!

Even if I had had the funds to be able to shop, I never would have bought so many lovely things for myself. Never! I would have felt too guilty. But here they were – with no expense – just a lovely gift from my Heavenly Father who responds with His love.