On my way home today, I was thinking about my recent move and realizing what an incredible thing God had done in the midst of it all. I was so busy that I took it all for granted without hardly noticing what had happened.

About a month ago, I tore a tendon in my shoulder rotator cuff. I’m not sure how it happened, but it was terribly painful. It was extremely difficult to dress myself, let alone pack, lift and move my possessions. Very bad timing!

It was so painful that I went to a doctor who ordered an ultrasound and x-rays. When I went to my family doctor for the results, she explained the tear and discussed the therapy that would be required. Meanwhile, I had been doing all the work that I wasn’t supposed to have been able to do.

Between the time of the tests and the visit to my doctor, I had had several of my friends pray for healing. The result was that I regained full mobility in my shoulder and went through the entire move doing whatever needed to be done with very little pain. I occasionally had a reminder of the weakness of the area, but was able to lift and carry anything that needed to be lifted or carried.

The doctor was very surprised that I had full mobility in my arm because of the evidence before her from the tests.

God is so good. Without His intervention, I don’t know how I could possibly have accomplished the move. Thank you Lord! 🙂