Some miracles are huge, like the sudden healing of my son’s aneurysm, sparing him from almost certain death – and some are just little evidences of God’s presence in our lives.

My experience today is of the latter variety – just a little itty-bitty miracle.

In my last home, I had a wonderful solarium where I spent time talking to God and praying for my family and other concerns. My glass patio table was perfect for studying because the design  accommodated a leaf from the dining room table and so I could have all my Bible study books right there without being piled all over the table.

In this new place, everything fit perfectly except the glass table. There was no room for it and so it has been sitting forlorn in storage. I’ve been feeling miscombobulated because I haven’t figured out a designated spot for study.

This morning, I said, “Lord, You must know how I could arrange things so that I’d have a designated spot to meet with You and study Your Word…”

No sooner had I prayed the prayer than the perfect solution popped into my head. All I had to do was move the love seat in my bedroom from the window area, put it at the foot of my bed, move the glass table to where the love seat had been and bingo – a perfect, designated prayer and study spot!

So – you don’t think this was grand enough to qualify for a miracle? That’s okay because I do. I guess you kinda had to be there! 🙂