One of my closest friends has been given an extraordinary task by the Lord. It’s not something that puts her out in front of thousands of people or gets her name in the paper – but it’s something that requires her to spend several hours a day in prayer. Recently, she has been doing a lot of study in Revelation and asked if I would like to study it with her. I looked through my study books and found nothing (beyond commentaries) that appealed to me as having the depth of insight I wanted.

A couple of days later, I went to a bridal shower for another friend who is getting married in September. In the course of the shower, we played a few of those silly games without which a shower just wouldn’t be a shower! One of the games involved each of the guests opening a surprise gift which could be stolen by another guest if she was not happy with what she opened. When it was my turn, lo and behold, my gift was a study book on the Book of Revelation! Because it was such a wonderful gift, I was sure it wouldn’t stay long in my possession! However, it was as though everyone was blind to it! All around me people were giggling and stealing boxes of chocolates, little doo-dads and mugs – but my book remained in my lap! I actually got to take it home! Who ever gets a study book on the Book of Revelation as a silly shower game gift????

Anyway – with confirmation that I need to be studying Revelation, last Monday morning I assembled several versions of the Bible, my commentaries and the book on my study table where I can dig into them every morning before starting my work day. It’s a tough go and I’m feeling thick-headed most of the time,  but I am excited, knowing God is at my elbow, guiding me through the maze of imagery, symbolism and prophecy.

It’s going to be very interesting to see what God has in store when my friend and I get together and discuss what we have learned!