Earlier today, a friend and I were discussing God’s amazing provision in times of need.

Isaiah 65:24 says, “Before they call I will answer…”

God knows what we need and has the provision prepared before we even know that we need it!

During this time of rebuilding my life, finances have been extremely tight. Many times I have felt as though I’m barely holding on by my fingernails. Despite the fact that I have never missed a rent or car payment and my credit has remained intact, my ability to meet requirements of life has sometimes been right to the penny.

For the past two years I have been designing and producing the Compass magazine for 100 Huntley Street / Crossroads. The proceeds have essentially been paying my rent – barely. In the early spring, I began to have a sensing that the Lord was telling me that the door would be closing on my Compass work and He would be taking me on to something else.

In May I was asked to serve as interim managing editor of the Compass magazine for two months while they went through a transition process. Because of the heads up I had received from the Lord, I wasn’t surprised when they told me that my position would be terminated after the two month transition. The structure of the ministry was changing and they would now be able to produce the magazine in-house.

It was good news / bad news. My salary would be tripled for the two transition months while I served as managing editor, but then my income would be stopped. On the positive side, I thought that the sudden tripling of my salary was going to be a great boon. For once I would have a surplus and could relax a bit!

Not so fast Diane! Just a couple of weeks later, my landlord informed me that I would have to move because he had just gotten engaged and was inheriting three more kids for whom he needed my space. Suddenly I was faced with the need for movers and all of the expenses related to moving not only my home but my business office!

But did I fear? No. God had already provided the funds to take me right through the summer. Amazing.

Now the summer days are beginning to hint of fall. The season of moving is over. Now I am unpacked and ready to begin the next phase of my life. What it will be, I don’t know. But I do know that I don’t have to worry because God has a plan and holds my life in His hands – by design!