One of my close friends, Carl Smith, is over eighty years of age. He’s a missionary in Romania and has nine ministries there. This man blows me away with his stamina, his passion for ministry and his steadfast dedication to his calling.

He spends eight months of every year tromping all over his beloved Romania, loving the people, ministering to their needs, sleeping in hard beds, taking cold showers (when available), teaching, administering his ministries and generally doing all he can to take the transforming power of Jesus Christ to the downtrodden gypsy people the (Rroma people) of Romania.

His nine ministries include:

Adopt-a-Pastor Subsidy Program in Brasov – targeting economically depressed local congregations, this program subsidizes the monthly stipend of their pastor-teachers

El Shaddai Children’s Camp in Campulung – a year-round children’s and youth camping and conference program

Jubilee Girls’ Home in Bolintin Deal – A residential home program for “street girls” rescued from prostitution or abandoned by the orphanage system

Project Rachel in Craivova and Satu Mare – a program which offers financial assistance, physical therapists and Christian social services; enabling parents of physically or  mentally disabled children to care for  them in their homes

Project School Child in Arges Judicial – a ministry to Rroma children through the financing of elementary and secondary education

Pro-Lumina Blind Society in Targoviste – a Bible distribution, Christian literature and respite center ministry for the visually impaired

Teaching and Distribution of Study Material in Pitesti – an in-church teaching ministry to encourage the undertaking of serious study of the Word of God

The Rroma (Gypsy) Evangelistic Movement – evangelism, church planting, leadership training, children’s ministries, a camping program, as well as ministries of mercy and compassion

“Vesta Buna” Bible Institute in Ratbov – a regional Bible institute, training young men and women in the basics of Scripture and Christian Counseling

The other day, Carl e-mailed me to help him design a brochure to encourage work teams to go to Romania to help build a Discipleship and Youth Centre in the village of Rucar. He needs 40 people to go for a week each, over a two and half month period – May 30 to August 15 of 2011. The idea is that that while it centers on youth evangelism and community outreach, the facility will be used for after-school tutorial –remedial instruction, computer training and Internet Cafe; neither of which are available within a thirty kilometre (18 miles radius) of Rucar.  Evenings and weekends, the facility will host teen-oriented musical groups, seminars, conferences, and related teen ministry events. It will be operated in conjunction with a neighboring evangelical church, camping program, and children/youth ministries.

How amazing! It is truly a miracle for anyone to have that kind of vitality at such an advanced age.

I e-mailed Carl back and told him how he blows me away with his stamina and drive.

His response was simply a scripture reference: Psalm 84: 5-7 – “Blessed are the men whose strength is in Thee, in whose hearts are the highways to Zion. As they go through the valley of Baca they make it a place of springs; the early rain also covers it with pools. They go from strength to strength; the God of gods will be seen in Zion.”

Anyone wanting to contact Carl can reach him at
Anyone wanting to support his RomTrain Ministry should contact

MSC (Canada)
RomTrain Ministries
101 Amber Street
Suite 16, Markham ON L3R 3A2 Canada

– OR –

RomTrain Ministries
PO Box 7492
Grand Rapids MI