Sometimes I think I’m living the craziest life (financially speaking) of anyone I know – Christian or non-Christian. It seems as though I’m constantly on the razor’s edge, with barely enough to meet my bills – but yet always meeting them! My credit rating is excellent and I’ve never missed a rent, car or insurance payment in all these four years since I was left with nothing after my divorce.

I have experienced God’s economy first-hand in these four years in a way I could never have learned it, had I not been put in the position of trusting Him for every cent.

Last week, I lost my glasses and had to get new ones – a major expense for me. I had $306.00 in my account. I transferred it into my chequing account so that I would be able to use my debit card. The bill came to $299.00. Today, I needed $40.00 more in my chequing account to be able to meet an insurance payment. I had $15.00 in bills, $7.00 in coins, $18.91 in another chequing account and $5.00 in a savings account. I transferred $2.00 from my savings into my chequing account which enabled me to withdraw a $20.00 bill with my debit card. I exchanged $5.00 in coins into a bill that I would be able to put in a bank machine. Now I had $40.00 in bills which I merrily took to the other bank and deposited it to meet the insurance payment. Now I have only a some change left – to my name. And I am not the least bit concerned. I have learned that “my God DOES supply all my need according to His riches in Christ Jesus.”

Today I learned that a large sale of my journals is not happening. It would have helped a lot right now – but when I heard the disappointing news, I was able to say, “Oh well, thank you Lord anyway” because I have learned that He is in control and He will look after me. The sale would have been nice, but it didn’t bother me one whit that it didn’t happen.

For four years prior to the devastation that happened in my life, I supported a little girl in Uganda. I still support her. She probably thinks I’m a rich lady across the ocean in Canada and has no idea what a miracle God works every month to ensure her continued support. I don’t tell her because I want her to feel secure – but neither do I worry about not having enough for her because God ALWAYS makes a way.

My gas tank is full. My refrigerator is full. I have nice clothes (except that they’re a little tight right now!). I live in a lovely place with nice furniture. And I have no money and it doesn’t matter. When I need it, it will be there. My dog needed to be groomed the other day and so I took her to be groomed. I had barely enough. But I had enough.

I’m not saying that I just sit around and wait for gold coins to fall from the heavenlies (although that would be heavenly!) No. I have worked very hard to get my business established after having to start life all over again at the age of 60. But I have seen God open the doors of opportunity over and over and over again. I take no credit for having come this far. He is my source. He is my supply. He is my agent, my career coach and my mentor.

He is also my comforter. He gives me the assurance that He will never leave me nor forsake me. I know that I am walking a destiny path and that he has ordered my steps.

It’s very curious how the word “prosperity” has taken on a life of its own in Christian circles. One is either “pro-prosperity” or “anti-prosperity.” Well how could anyone be anti-prosperity? What’s wrong with being prosperous?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Some of the most highly esteemed characters in scripture lived lives that made “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” look pathetic! People like David, Solomon and Esther were wealthy beyond comprehension!

The problem is simply that many of today’s teachers have gotten out of whack on what the Bible says about prosperity and brought a lot of confusion.

My pastor, Doug Schneider, brought everything into clarity today at Bible Study. He told us that the Greek word, “euodoo” which is translated as “prosperity” occurs only four times in the New Testament. The real meaning of the word is, “to be led down a road; to go down a path, to be successful in business affairs, to prosper and have success.” The fascinating thing is that this word is in the passive and so it doesn’t mean that WE are doing this and making it happen – it means that God is doing it for us. When we submit our lives to Him and allow Him to guide and direct our lives, He takes us down a road – a destiny road. He has a plan for our lives and will bring us success in terms of fulfilling the destiny He has for us.

Paul didn’t sit around in a palace. He had a destiny to walk out. His trip to his destiny was a wild ride – shipwrecked, imprisoned, stoned and finally beheaded. Nice. But who walked in more obedience than Paul after his conversion? Obviously, his life had to speak of prosperity – but prosperity in God’s economy means walking in one’s destiny. Stuff has nothing to do with it. Sometimes people have stuff and sometimes they don’t. The richness lies in our walk with God – not in stuff.

Stuff is not bad. I like stuff. Most people like stuff. It’s usually much more comfortable to have stuff than not to have stuff. But in the end, it’s just all about God and trusting Him to get us through this life and over the River to the other side.

Sometimes I get very tired of this life. It’s a struggle. And in one way or another it will always be a struggle because this is earth. It’s not heaven yet. The enemy will be trying to abort our destiny until the day we die, but as long as we are fixed on Jesus, he can’t do it. Paul’s shipwreck, his stoning, his imprisonment and his beheading were simply preliminary hindrances to his eventual glory with Jesus. At least his life wasn’t boring – and look at the fruit of it!!!! Paul’s life will continue to bear fruit until we meet him in that glory. What an adventure when we walk with Jesus!

I’m tired. Gotta go to bed.