About Diane Roblin-Lee

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So far Diane Roblin-Lee has created 171 blog entries.

Miracles of Preparation

Even though things did not turn out as I had hoped with the purchase of my own home, I have seen God's hand at work in this move.I mentioned previously how the last four years have been a great challenge financially as I worked to rebuild my life. I have just barely gotten to the place where I'm holding my own and able to pay my bills even though there's not much left over.In April, I learned that my job designing the Crossroads Compass would be ending because of the merger of Crossroads and CTS and the subsequent duplication of [...]

By |2010-07-16T03:13:00+00:00July 16, 2010|Miracles by Design|

The Anatomy of a Miracle – Post #39 – 14 days to Move

Whew! That was close! Had I not needed a miracle to buy this house, I would have gone ahead on my own and taken a step that was obviously not in God's plan. One great thing about not having a lot of resources is being dependent on God for every step. If it's not a step towards His best plan, He simply won't provide the resources for it!Disappointed? Yes - but "weeping may endure for the night - but joy cometh in the morning!" I'll get over it and life will go on.Last night, Jane and Jane-Anne came to help [...]

By |2010-07-15T04:25:00+00:00July 15, 2010|Miracles by Design|

The Anatomy of a Miracle – Post #38 – 16 days to Move

Well - here I am on the eve of the last day of the condition. By tomorrow midnight, there will be no more suspense, no more drama. The tale will have been told.This has been a very interesting journey – one that has held some amazing surprises. Every detail has come together for the purchase of this house except for the one factor which is totally in God's hands. This one factor could not only lift the latch on the door, welcoming me into my own home, but is the key evidence of whether or not God is in this [...]

By |2010-07-14T03:03:00+00:00July 14, 2010|Miracles by Design|

The Anatomy of a Miracle – Post #37 – 17 days to Move

Looks like we're going right down to the wire. Just two more sleeps (if I ever get to bed tonite!) before either a miracle happens or the curtain closes on this opportunity to own my own home once again.One of my greatest concerns in all of this is that if I heard wrong and God has no intention of providing the miracle that would be necessary to turn the dream into a reality, curious skeptics who have been dropping by will say, "Ya - we knew there wouldn't be a miracle. How dumb can anyone be to think $40,000. is [...]

By |2010-07-13T05:43:00+00:00July 13, 2010|Miracles by Design|

The Anatomy of a Miracle – Post #35 – 19 days to Move

I mentioned a few days ago that I had been fasting, seeking God for His perfect will. What I didn't detail was the difficulty of the first couple of days of the fast. It has been so hard having to sort through my belongings (especially photos), most of which are connected to pre-divorce memories when I thought my life was reasonably normal – but was actually built on flawed realities. The emotions that have been stirred, coupled with the deprivation of the fast, made me want to simply take a knock-out pill and wake up when everything was over!In the [...]

By |2010-07-11T04:19:00+00:00July 11, 2010|Miracles by Design|

The Anatomy of a Miracle – Post #34 – 20 days to Move

Today plus five days until we know! I am so amazed at this extension – also very grateful to God for putting a "Plan B" in place, even if does have a miracle planned that will enable me to own my own home once again. It has removed the stress so that either way, I know I'll have a place to go. When the movers arrive at 8 a.m. on the 28th, I'll be able to point them to either Uxbridge or Caesarea.Meanwhile, the girl who is looking after my realtor's clients while she's away, called today because other agents [...]

By |2010-07-09T20:59:00+00:00July 9, 2010|Miracles by Design|

The Anatomy of a Miracle – Post #33 – 21 days to Move

After midnight again!Jane and Jane-Anne (my two best friends) came over to help pack tonite. It was so great to have them both here pitching in the way good friends do. We've done so much of life together and seen each other through many high and low points. Tonight we made more memories. :) I have wonderful friends and wouldn't dare begin to mention more names for fear of leaving out someone very special to me. I may not be wealthy in terms by which the world measures success, but I am rich in relationships. I love the people in [...]

By |2010-07-09T04:43:00+00:00July 9, 2010|Miracles by Design|

The Anatomy of a Miracle – Post #32 – 22 days to Move

I apologize for being so late with today's blog at such a critical time! My computer crashed tonite and I wondered for awhile whether I would even be able to do the blog! I was afraid you'd think I'd crashed! But no. Today was a great day. The seller agreed to a one-week extension of the condition! I am shocked! I was shocked when he accepted my offer – but now – an extension is amazing because there are other people wanting this house.It has been a long, full, busy day. I've been formatting my books into e-books and lining [...]

By |2010-07-08T04:37:00+00:00July 8, 2010|Miracles by Design|

The Anatomy of a Miracle – Post #31 – 23 days to Move

I have to run out and shall be gone for the evening - so thought I'd better leave a quick update.First of all, thank you all for your continued prayers!Yesterday, I met with a client who is going through a divorce and has to rent out half of his Uxbridge house while he's going through the court process. He would accept Lola and so a Plan B is in place. Another friend has an apartment that would be available at the end of the month and he too, would accept Lola, but it would involve a lot of commuting as [...]

By |2010-07-06T22:04:00+00:00July 6, 2010|Miracles by Design|
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