About Diane Roblin-Lee

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So far Diane Roblin-Lee has created 171 blog entries.

The Anatomy of a Miracle – Post #3 – 50 days to Move

OK - So now it's 50 days before I have to move – with no definite place to go. Just to bring newcomers up to speed, my landlord is getting married and inheriting four new heirs and so needs my space for making new bedrooms. There is very little to rent in this area and whatever there is is either too small or too pricey. Nobody wants pets – and of course I'm going nowhere without my little Lolapalooza!I've now opened the door to the possibility of becoming a homeowner again – despite the fact that (having had to start [...]

By |2010-06-09T15:17:00+00:00June 9, 2010|Miracles by Design|

Daily Tip

17) Predators use playing with children at a peer level as a manipulative approach to intimacy; tickling, play fighting etc., to gain confidence and rapport and introduce the child to touching. As the child becomes desensitized to touch in appropriate places, the touch progresses to breasts and genitals.

By |2010-06-08T23:32:00+00:00June 8, 2010|Predator-Proof Your Family|

The Anatomy of a Miracle – Post #2 – 51 days to Move

Fifty-one days to go before I have to move - and no miracle yet in sight to enable me to secure the purchase of a home.I called the newspaper to see if I could get a jump on the rental ads, but the girl in advertising is looking for the same kind of apartment that I need - so - fat chance there. Yesterday I heard of a girl who is moving out of a farmnouse on the Island that I might be able to rent – but even if it has enough space and they'll take a dog, the [...]

By |2010-06-08T15:30:00+00:00June 8, 2010|Miracles by Design|

The Anatomy of a Miracle

It occurred to me this morning that we tell about miracles God performs in our lives after they happen – but people don't get to see the process of the unfolding of the miracle. Sometimes God acts suddenly in our lives with spontaneous miracles – but most often there's a process of believing Him for a serious need and then watching Him respond, step by step, as He knits the necessary circumstances together.Right now, I need a miracle.Four years ago, I had to sell my beautiful home of 28 years due to a huge upheaval in our family.Suddenly, after 38 [...]

By |2010-06-08T00:53:00+00:00June 8, 2010|Miracles by Design|

Supporting our Troops

My friend Jane has a ministry to the troops overseas, called "Team Red Take a Stand." She designed a logo of a kneeling soldier and had hockey shirts made which she gets people to sign and send to the troops as evidence of their love, support and appreciation. I have been helping her by designing journals and notebooks for them, as well as postcards with photos of soldiers to send.There have been amazing signs all along the way that God is directing this ministry. However, recently, Jane has become discouraged, wondering what her next step is to be. On March [...]

By |2010-04-05T15:20:00+00:00April 5, 2010|Miracles by Design|

Daily Tip

15) They may have either a particularly charming personality or obvious ‘loner’ qualities, sometimes a combination of both. The charmers are socially appealing but often lack substance in their relationships. There’s no sense of genuine bonding at a heart level.The lack of development of the capacity for intimacy results in emotional loneliness.

By |2009-09-29T03:56:00+00:00September 29, 2009|Predator-Proof Your Family|

Daily Tip

14) Child molesters – or potential molesters – may have a desire for hobbies that seem more appropriate for a child than for an adult, like building miniature trains, collecting toys or whatever.

By |2009-09-28T04:51:00+00:00September 28, 2009|Predator-Proof Your Family|

Daily Tip

13) Potential or active child molesters may exhibit behavior that seems too good to be true, perhaps being overly helpful. The process of grooming a child to be abused is a process of gaining the trust of both the child and the caregivers. It's all about eliminating obstacles between the one about to be victimized and the perpetrator/predator. If that means being overly helpful, there's no job too big or no inconvenience too annoying if it will give the predator more trust, more acceptance or more opportunity.

By |2009-09-23T15:53:00+00:00September 23, 2009|Predator-Proof Your Family|

Daily Tip

2) For some reason, child molesters (or those fantasizing about molesting) may seem to have disrespect for social boundaries. There seems to be a disconnect between normal societal expectations of appropriate behavior - and the inappropriate liberties taken by those drawn to abusing children. Just because someone doesn't fit the patterns of "normal" behavior doesn't mean they're abusing children. On the other hand, anything that seems like a warning light - could be.

By |2009-09-22T15:17:00+00:00September 22, 2009|Predator-Proof Your Family|
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