About Diane Roblin-Lee

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So far Diane Roblin-Lee has created 171 blog entries.


This will be brief – and I warn you before you begin reading, that it has no ending - yet.About two weeks ago, I was working at my desk one evening in my office. There was no music on - no radio or TV playing - nothing through which a voice could speak. I was alone in my home in Uxbridge. No one here.Suddenly - out of nowhere, a male voice said, "Five." That's all. Nothing more - just, "Five." The voice itself was unremarkable - just an ordinary male voice - although if I were asked to describe it, [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:58+00:00February 18, 2013|Miracles by Design|

Getting a Grip

The internet has been termed today’s “wild west” where anything goes. In the days of Wild Bill and the James brothers, the bad boys rode into town in a cloud of dust with guns blazing. Everyone knew who they were and was aware of their intentions and activity. Today’s bad boys (and girls) can sit at home in the comfort and anonymity of their bedrooms and do far more damage than any gun-toting savage of yesterday. Brandishing keyboards and cameras instead of guns, they swagger through cyberspace like a law unto themselves, savaging the innocence of children through child pornography, [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:09:43+00:00January 31, 2013|Predator-Proof Your Family|

The Problem With Kids…

The problem with kids is that – well – they’re kids. Kids don’t have very many years under their belts. They haven’t lived on this planet long enough to spot a manipulator or know how to navigate a tricky situation. Those who live in homes where they can trust the adults around them, tend to think all adults can be trusted and have their best interests at heart. They trust that the person on the other end of their internet chat conversation is who they portray themselves to be.We tell kids: “Mind your manners. Speak respectfully to Mr. Brown. Do [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:09:43+00:00January 18, 2013|Predator-Proof Your Family|

A Swift Kick in the Complacency

Okay – I’m going to be honest. When I learned that Winning Kids Inc. had decided to extend its hand of grace to help alleviate some of the suffering of African children, I  felt some impatience. With issues of abuse spiraling into ever-widening circles in North America, why, for goodness sake, would we lose focus and shift our attention from the suffering of abused children in North America? Why would we even consider contributing to the alleviation of atrocities that we can’t possibly understand and expect to make even a tiny dint in the inhumane conditions that have plagued a [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:09:43+00:00November 15, 2012|Predator-Proof Your Family|

Silent No Longer

Last fall, I booked a table at a craft show in a small town. My main focus was to promote my Legacy workbooks, but since I had a full eight feet of space, I took along my other books as well, including the booklets I wrote on Predator-Proofing Your Family and the book, Predators Live Among Us. It was a quiet day – not much action at the craft show, causing an underlying rumble of dissatisfaction among the vendors. I saw a large, rather depressed looking, elderly woman approach my table. She cast a cursive glance across my piles of [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:09:43+00:00October 21, 2012|Predator-Proof Your Family|

Grace at the River

As a small child, I loved nothing more than to snuggle up to my mommy in her bed whenever I got a chance. It was usually when my father would be away for a few days at a conference or whatever. Now he was gone. Dead at the age of 85 from a combination of Alzheimer’s and heart, he wouldn’t be returning. When it had become apparent that mom and dad could no longer function on their own, I had built an apartment for them at one end of my home. It worked well because I was able to run [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:08:02+00:00August 20, 2012|My Legacy Links|

Scouts Canada – Rebuilding Trust

The worst nightmare of a parent is the fear that a child will fall into the hands of a predator – a skilled manipulator who preys on the vulnerability of precious little ones to satisfy his or her perverted appetites.A parent’s deepest desire is to see a child develop life skills, strong values, integrity, confidence and the ‘know how’ to face the challenges of life.When those two fundamentals, the deepest fears and the deepest desires of parents become entwined, the resulting confusion devours trust.In 1907, founder Lord Baden-Powell, built the Boy Scouts organization on the motto, “Be Prepared.” The idea [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:09:43+00:00July 5, 2012|Predator-Proof Your Family|

Personality Disorder – or Justice Disorder?

After days of painful listening to the emotional, chin-quivering testimony of a parade of alleged victims in the Jerry Sandusky trial, the defense is poised to present its case. Their job is to present enough doubt as to the veracity of 17 felony charges to keep their client from spending the rest of his days behind bars.So what’s the plan? Apparently, they’re poised to take the angle of a “personality disorder.” Histrionics. Who ever heard of “histrionics?” Is there really a disease that could legitimize the sodomizing of young boys? Well, well, well. How convenient. Are these lawyers really keeping [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:09:43+00:00June 17, 2012|Predator-Proof Your Family|

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

I’m sitting here reading an article in the Wall Street Journal about the controversy surrounding the decision of a church in Milwaukee to pay suspected pedophiles priests to leave the ministry. It turns out that any priest suspected of pedophilia was given $20,000 to get out of the ministry and return to civilian life. All the predictable points are raised about the pros and cons of the payments. Naturally, the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) protested the payments as payoffs and bonuses to priests for molesting children, saying “You don’t give a bonus to a man who [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:09:43+00:00June 1, 2012|Predator-Proof Your Family|

…But He Was So Nice!

Paul Gibson seemed to be nice enough. Slight, with reddish hair and beard, a fair complexion and pale blue eyes, he was a trusted member of the Parkdale community. Everybody knew what a fine fellow Paul was. He was the guy who could always be counted upon to help out at the food bank –  the friendly one who took such a kind interest in the kids.In 2008, a grandmother, who visited the bank for Christmas presents, particularly appreciated Paul’s friendliness. Life was tough for her, looking after her two grandsons aged four and seven. She had taught the children [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:09:43+00:00May 11, 2012|Predator-Proof Your Family|
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