About Diane Roblin-Lee

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So far Diane Roblin-Lee has created 171 blog entries.

Vigilance or Vigilantism?

Last Monday, a website was launched by a Christian group in Alberta whose purpose is to make public the names and addresses of people who have been convicted of sex crimes against children. Until now, of all the countries in the world, only the U.S. has had a public registry where any citizen can do a search for predators in their area and find the details on each one. Nowhere else has the information on offenders been put on official websites. While this new site is not an official Canadian website, it will have the same effect – even though [...]

By |2012-04-29T17:10:00+00:00April 29, 2012|Predator-Proof Your Family|

April is Child Abuse Awareness Month in the U.S.

“My child will never be molested. Our friends and family are all nice people who would never do such a thing.”Really. I used to think that, too. Sadly, we’re no longer living in a Beaver Cleaver world.While “Child Abuse Awareness” month is October in Canada, it’s April in the U.S. The hope is that focusing on awareness for one month will lead people to be more aware throughout every day of the year.The following Canadian statistics, while impossible to rely upon because of lack of reporting and false reporting, are the most recent and best reflection we have of the [...]

By |2012-04-10T17:30:00+00:00April 10, 2012|Predator-Proof Your Family|


"Somebody has to pay." It's the natural response when someone suffers loss at the hands of another. Justice is the expected cry of the wounded heart.Last night, I wept, thinking of all that has been lost in my life as the result of actions of another person. Today is Easter. It used to be a joyful time of family celebration when all would gather in a home filled with love for each other – and now it's a painful time because what it once held has been scattered to the wind. It's no longer possible for us to gather around the [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:58+00:00April 8, 2012|Miracles by Design|

Child Molester or Pedophile?

It can be helpful to know that child molesters are not necessarily pedophiles and pedophiles are not necessarily child molesters. Pedophilia is a psychological disorder defined by a distinct sexual preference for pre-pubescent children. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 111-R), published by the American Psychological Association, gives the following definition of pedophilia:“Recurrent, intense, sexual urges and sexual arousing fantasies of at least six months duration involving sexual activity with a pre-pubescent child.”Thus, an individual can be a pedophile without actually engaging in a sexual act. Simply having fantasies about sexual activity with a child over a [...]

By |2012-04-04T18:26:00+00:00April 4, 2012|Predator-Proof Your Family|

So What’s The Big Deal About Watching a Little Child Porn?

Get this. The mother of a 26-year-old man, caught with more than 1,200 images of child pornography on his computer (some of which he traded with others) is trying to get his 14-year sentence shortened. According to her, the fact that he has spina bifida and “could never be a threat to anyone, including a child, “should qualify him for early release. Okay. Don’t get me started here. I need to wipe the froth from my mouth on this one.What is this mother thinking and where was she when she had the opportunity to nurture fiber and integrity into the [...]

By |2012-03-29T17:59:00+00:00March 29, 2012|Predator-Proof Your Family|

Forgiveness – The Real Deal

Yesterday, I heard Oprah say that forgiveness is all about you - it's not about the offender. It's a tool for setting yourself free from any negative feelings that bind you to the offender and then simply walking on and moving forward with your life, oblivious to whatever may be happening with him or her. It has nothing to do with condoning the hurtful actions of another. It's all about you and moving forward.I bought into it at first, because the struggles of those around me who have tried to deal with horrible situations of offense would seem to merit [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:58+00:00March 28, 2012|Miracles by Design|

Two Years for a Lifetime

Two years for Graham James.A lifetime for his victims. Yesterday's sentence for James' abuse of Theo Fleury and Todd Holt left everyone shaking their heads in disbelief. How could any judge, with any comprehension of the magnitude of the effects of abuse on a victim and his or her family, determine that a two-year sentence (of which James will probably serve only 16 months) in any way brings justice to the situation.If Graham James were a first-time offender, one might think that the judge might have had reason to give some credence to his words of remorse and repentance. But [...]

By |2012-03-21T20:21:00+00:00March 21, 2012|Predator-Proof Your Family|

Another Day of Grace…

This will be brief tonight because I'm exhausted – but I cannot go to bed without giving God the glory He so richly deserves.Sometimes I hesitate to tell about all God does in my life because it so often concerns His divine supply and I think people must get so tired of hearing about my constant financial stresses – even though they're told about them only when God has, once again, proven Himself faithful. I don't know why it has taken me so long to get back on my feet, but the reality is that it has. I often feel [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:58+00:00March 1, 2012|Miracles by Design|

I Almost Missed It!

What an interesting day today!Let me go back a bit...Ever since restarting my life six years ago, my desire has been to find a way to make an income without deserting my first love - which is to serve God and really make my life count for His Kingdom. And so, in the development of my business, byDesign Media, I've done graphic design work for ministry organizations, produced Christian magazines (The Crossroads Compass and 50 Plus), published Christian books and served on the Heart to Heart Marriage and Family Institute Board. Making money from secular endeavors was something I tried [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:58+00:00January 30, 2012|Miracles by Design|

Off-Track for 2000 Years????? Oi Vey!

There are some things that haven't been adding up for me.Let me go back a bit. I was raised in the home of a Baptist minister – a wonderful home in many ways – not perfect, but filled with wonderful memories.  The one thing that made less and less sense as I matured, was the total devotion to a God who didn't seem to do anything anymore. He seemed to be taking a 2000 year vacation after all that healing, delivering and miracle making. Involvement of Him in one's life seemed to me to be akin to building one's life [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:58+00:00December 6, 2011|Miracles by Design|
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