About Diane Roblin-Lee

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So far Diane Roblin-Lee has created 171 blog entries.

The Ladder

I had a very interesting insight into the workings of God this morning.The past two weeks have been particularly difficult, not only prior to my healing from macular degeneration, but with some unexpected challenges. A few nights ago, my friend Jane Anne (who some of you are getting to know through reading this blog!) was praying. After asking God for wisdom, she distinctly heard Him say, "Intercede for thy sister." (Although she and I have different parents, we are very close and feel we are spiritually related through the blood of Jesus. Like sisters, we have a lot of fun [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:58+00:00December 2, 2011|Miracles by Design|

Not Going Blind After All!!!

A week and a half ago, I went to the eye doctor with grave concerns that I was losing vision in my right eye - and was diagnosed with macular degeneration! It was a devastating blow, particularly as a graphic designer / writer who is so dependent on my eyes for my livelihood. With memories of watching my mother-in-law go blind quite quickly after the same diagnosis, I felt as though my world had suddenly jolted to a stop. I would have no further opportunity to contribute to the world. I could become a burden to my family. Independence and [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:58+00:00November 26, 2011|Miracles by Design|

The Secret

Predators depend on victims and their families keeping the dark secret to avoid further pain and heartbreak in the family. Keeping the secret does nothing but bring more pain - allowing the predator free rein on ruining lives. Revealing truth may be hard, but living in secrecy doesn't work. Dare to tell your story. Stop the destruction.

By |2011-11-11T19:55:00+00:00November 11, 2011|Predator-Proof Your Family|

Ethical Will

While a property will deals with one's material goods and cash, an ethical will deals with the truly important things developed and gathered through one's life - wisdom, faith, values and experiences. By writing these down for the benefit of one's family and oncoming generations, one's essence is not lost. Dusty photos take on new life and meaning when accompanied by one's written legacy of values or "ethical will." It's made simple with My Life Legacy journals!

By |2023-02-06T15:14:29+00:00November 1, 2011|Legacy Blog|

Linking Generations

My mom died at home. As I was singing to her, holding her hand, I became aware of the unique bond I shared with my grandmother. As my mom entered the world, 96 years before, my grandmother held her sweet little newborn hand. Ninety-six years later, I held the same precious hand, now worn and lined from all those years of caring for us. Legacy links.

By |2023-02-06T16:08:02+00:00October 20, 2011|My Legacy Links|

Stand Fast!

I seem to always be talking about money on this blog - but that's the area where God seems to be teaching me to trust Him most in these last few years. I know that many of you probably wonder why I'm always stretched for cash, but it's simply because I'm still in the process of getting back on my feet after losing everything. Today, once again, God proved His faithfulness. My car insurance was due and life insurance comes tomorrow. I was short about $230.00. Payment for the magazine I'm doing won't be here for a couple of weeks, [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:59+00:00October 20, 2011|Miracles by Design|

Learning about Faith

This is amazing!Let me go back a bit. Six years ago, through a family trauma, I was left (at the age of 60) with nothing but my furniture, my computer and my position as a child of God. I knew no one would hire me at my age and so I went back to school and, one year to the day after the trauma, I registered a little graphic design company called byDesign Media – because I knew God had a plan, a design for my life.During that six years, He has been faithful to supply everything I needed – [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:59+00:00October 15, 2011|Miracles by Design|
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