About Diane Roblin-Lee

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So far Diane Roblin-Lee has created 171 blog entries.

Making Things Right

Today was Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement. I haven't celebrated the Jewish feasts through the years, thinking that it's not necessary under the New Covenant. However, I've been thinking about it and the fact that they were to be a "lasting ordinance" and the possibility that observance of the feasts could bring a new depth to my understanding of God's plan.Anyway, despite my desire to get some work done, I took the day off and did some reading about atonement and getting things right with God and man. So - remembering a relationship that was shattered many years [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:59+00:00October 9, 2011|Miracles by Design|

When the Miracle Doesn’t Happen

Today my friends and I prayed for a miracle - and it didn't come.The daughter of one of our friends, a gorgeous, 23 year old college student who was recently named athlete of the year, was getting in some end-of-summer water-skiing and landed wrong. Despite our prayers, she died of a head injury.From our perspective, there was no miracle - only horror.But does there always have to be a miracle? Maybe we should try to see things from God's perspective.What is he doing in the lives of the rest of the family? In the lives of her friends? What is [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:59+00:00September 24, 2011|Miracles by Design|

Tongue Untied!

I've been making a lot of phone calls to school boards, retirement homes, seniors' centers, etc. to let them know about "My Legacy Links," www.mylegacylinks.com, a project I've developed to connect teens and seniors. The idea is that teens who need to complete 40 hours of community service volunteer requirements, pair up with seniors to help them record their wisdom, values, insights and experiences in a "My Life Legacy" workbook. If the senior doesn't have any computer skills, but is interested in learning how to do e-mail etc, the teen can assist him or her.The project has been approved by [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:59+00:00September 6, 2011|Miracles by Design|

The Difference Between Texting & Talking

Parents were generally more accessible to kids back in the day. Although texting may give more direct access than ever before, the communication levels are different. What parent has an in-depth conversation, imparting values to a child via texting? The communication of values and insight need real face time. Seniors who have time to listen to a young person and share face-to-face can be like gold in bringing understanding to life.

By |2023-02-06T16:08:03+00:00August 10, 2011|My Legacy Links|

When Texting Replaces Talking…

The barriers between generations have robbed every age group of the benefits of inter-generational interaction. Texting has replaced talking and Facebook has become the new living-room of interaction. The voices of seniors without these skills are being muted. Unless we take steps to strengthen the links between generations, the new ways people communicate will widen the gap irretrievably. The wisdom of our elders are the wells from which we draw understanding, knowledge and warnings against repeating the evil elements of history. We must find a way to open these wells and give our young people opportunities to drink deeply from [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:08:03+00:00August 6, 2011|My Legacy Links|

Making the Connection

It's easy to feel a disconnect between the generations because society has become segregated by age. With age-segregated schools, parental work obligations and senior housing developments, people have to make a conscious effort to get together - or it just doesn't happen. Gone are the days when the wisdom of the elders was communicated naturally around a dinner table. Gone are the days when teens were available to keep seniors up to date with new trends and methods of communication.Rediscovering the connection between generations can be priceless for both.

By |2023-02-06T16:08:03+00:00August 4, 2011|My Legacy Links|

Another Healing!

Today a client came to take me out for lunch to celebrate the launching of her new children's activity book - Brontosaurus Brunch - which I redesigned and republished for her.It was obvious that she was in pain and proceeded to tell me that she had been to the doctor who had confirmed a torn rotator cuff in her shoulder, something else torn in the top of her back and something wrong with her elbow which was excruciatingly painful.When she brought me home, she came in for a few minutes and I asked if she'd like prayer. I anointed her [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:59+00:00June 30, 2011|Miracles by Design|


Tonight I was sitting behind a man in a red shirt at a meeting in Oshawa. He was a total stranger. All I knew about him was that he was bald and had rather large ears. What caught my attention was that he appeared to be in great pain with his back. When he would stand, his back appeared to be crooked and he stood on one leg, seemingly to relieve pressure. When he would sit down, he would put his arm behind his back in the pew as though to support his back.I felt very sorry for him, leaned [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:59+00:00May 27, 2011|Miracles by Design|

God Ideas

I've learned that there are three kinds of ideas - bad ideas, good ideas and God ideas. The trouble is that it's sometimes difficult to distinguish between the latter two!I've had a lot of good ideas in my life. For instance, when the threat of Y2K began to surface, I did a huge amount of research and determined that our world was most probably going to change radically and most people would be caught unaware. My deep concern led me to prepare not only for my family but for the whole community and beyond. I wrote a book "Y2K & [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:59+00:00January 31, 2011|Miracles by Design|
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