About Diane Roblin-Lee

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So far Diane Roblin-Lee has created 171 blog entries.

Vision of the Cross

At 9:30 this morning, a very close friend of mine had a vision which God told her was to be "shared with the multitude." Thus I am posting it here for you.I saw YAHSHUA hanging on the cross and there was blood pouring out of his feet.There was a person kneeling at the foot of the cross.There were people standing behind the person kneeling at the cross and they were in acue waiting to come to the CROSS.The cue began to widen like a great BLACK RIVER because there was such a multitudewaiting to come to the foot of the [...]

By |2023-02-06T16:06:59+00:00December 18, 2010|Miracles by Design|

The Basket

This morning at church, the minister invited people to speak out their needs to God. All around the church, voices quietly, in unison, spoke forth their requests. I gently spoke the names of each one of my precious family. As I spoke the names, I saw a big basket, like a hot air baloon basket, carrying everyone I named together in the basket. After a few moments, just prior to praying the morning, congregational prayer, the minister said, "The visual I had was of a big basket, carrying all the spoken requests up to God."A coincidence? More like a God-incidence [...]

By |2010-09-13T02:26:00+00:00September 13, 2010|Miracles by Design|


Sometimes I think I'm living the craziest life (financially speaking) of anyone I know - Christian or non-Christian. It seems as though I'm constantly on the razor's edge, with barely enough to meet my bills – but yet always meeting them! My credit rating is excellent and I've never missed a rent, car or insurance payment in all these four years since I was left with nothing after my divorce.I have experienced God's economy first-hand in these four years in a way I could never have learned it, had I not been put in the position of trusting Him for [...]

By |2010-09-10T02:52:00+00:00September 10, 2010|Miracles by Design|

Living From Strength to Strength

One of my close friends, Carl Smith, is over eighty years of age. He's a missionary in Romania and has nine ministries there. This man blows me away with his stamina, his passion for ministry and his steadfast dedication to his calling.He spends eight months of every year tromping all over his beloved Romania, loving the people, ministering to their needs, sleeping in hard beds, taking cold showers (when available), teaching, administering his ministries and generally doing all he can to take the transforming power of Jesus Christ to the downtrodden gypsy people the (Rroma people) of Romania.His nine ministries [...]

By |2010-09-08T03:49:00+00:00September 8, 2010|Miracles by Design|


Many people claim that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not for today. They claim that Jesus healed only while He was on earth and the healing witnessed through the ministry of the apostles simply isn't happening today.I beg to differ – from experience and in response to what I read in the Bible. Since coming back to the Lord in 1978 after 15 years of living a pagan lifestyle, I have seen amazing things happen through the power of the Holy Spirit. Healings and other manifestations of the Holy Spirit happen regularly – today!Just as an example of [...]

By |2010-09-07T02:30:00+00:00September 7, 2010|Miracles by Design|

How Great is Our God?

This morning I went to a tiny church in Coboconk. It was wonderful! The power of God there was so strong. It was very apparent that the people truly cared about each other and knew how to reach God with their prayers. At one point, a DVD was played. The subject was "How Great is Our God" and it was an AWESOME demonstration of the miraculous magnitude of our Creator. I was so impressed that I copied the link for you. If you take the time to watch it, it will change your perception of God forever!http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1849169

By |2010-09-05T20:12:00+00:00September 5, 2010|Miracles by Design|

God’s Timing & Provision

Earlier today, a friend and I were discussing God's amazing provision in times of need.Isaiah 65:24 says, "Before they call I will answer..."God knows what we need and has the provision prepared before we even know that we need it!During this time of rebuilding my life, finances have been extremely tight. Many times I have felt as though I'm barely holding on by my fingernails. Despite the fact that I have never missed a rent or car payment and my credit has remained intact, my ability to meet requirements of life has sometimes been right to the penny.For the past [...]

By |2010-09-02T00:11:00+00:00September 2, 2010|Miracles by Design|

A New Wardrobe

These four years since my divorce have been a great financial struggle. However, without the struggle, I would never have had the opportunity to see God's faithfulness and His unfailing hand of provision - and so I am grateful for these amazing years!I really like clothes. Like most women, I tend to get bored with my wardrobe and love to have new things. It's difficult to do much about the boredom if one can't afford to shop - which is exactly where I have been.A few months ago, I was so tired of wearing the same old things and mentioned [...]

By |2010-08-31T04:13:00+00:00August 31, 2010|Miracles by Design|

Carnival of Hope

Last Saturday I was very happy to play a part (however small) in the Carnival of Hope, put on every year by my church in Oshawa on the third Saturday of every August. It was astounding to see the work and organizational efforts that went into making this amazing event the roaring success it always is. Billed as “Durham’s Totally Free Festival,” it began in 2003 as a way to bring joy and practical help to those less fortunate in the  area. For one day, struggling families can forget about all the cares and daily challenges of life and be [...]

By |2010-08-29T04:05:00+00:00August 29, 2010|Miracles by Design|


One of my closest friends has been given an extraordinary task by the Lord. It's not something that puts her out in front of thousands of people or gets her name in the paper – but it's something that requires her to spend several hours a day in prayer. Recently, she has been doing a lot of study in Revelation and asked if I would like to study it with her. I looked through my study books and found nothing (beyond commentaries) that appealed to me as having the depth of insight I wanted.A couple of days later, I went [...]

By |2010-08-28T03:19:00+00:00August 28, 2010|Miracles by Design|
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