About Diane Roblin-Lee

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So far Diane Roblin-Lee has created 171 blog entries.


Last week I was becoming increasingly distressed about a granddaughter who has been in Europe for the summer. There had been no word from her during the whole month of July and my imagination was beginning to cook up a multitude of scenarios. It hasn't helped to have the horrors of sex slavery so predominant in the news, to say nothing of the publicity surrounding the plights of numerous North American teens who have found themselves at odd ends with foreign cultures and laws.I went to Thursday morning prayer meeting at the Embassy and requested special prayer for my granddaughter. [...]

By |2010-08-21T02:48:00+00:00August 21, 2010|Miracles by Design|


A couple of weeks ago, I posted a request for prayer for a miracle. My only sister, Dona, had just been diagnosed with colon cancer. The word reverberated in my mind like the sounding of a death-knell. The thought of losing her was overwhelming.The diagnosis came on July 29, just one day after my move. She visited me that day and it was unnerving to say the least, to see her down to 76 pounds, the weight of a child.When I prayed for Dona that night, I didn't know whether to pray for healing – or how to pray – [...]

By |2010-08-20T02:04:00+00:00August 20, 2010|Miracles by Design|

The Miracle of My First Book

About a year after my return to the Lord in 1978, my (then) husband and I were on our way to a Sunday School concert with our young sons. It was a blustery, cold winter night. We stopped for gas along the way and as I watched my husband, after paying, return to the car through the swirling snow, an idea plopped into my mind."I am going to write a book," I said as he began to merge onto the highway."What about?" he asked.Without skipping a beat and with no fore planning, I said, "Ministers and their kids."As if it [...]

By |2010-08-17T04:13:00+00:00August 17, 2010|Miracles by Design|

How Did That Happen?

On my way home today, I was thinking about my recent move and realizing what an incredible thing God had done in the midst of it all. I was so busy that I took it all for granted without hardly noticing what had happened.About a month ago, I tore a tendon in my shoulder rotator cuff. I'm not sure how it happened, but it was terribly painful. It was extremely difficult to dress myself, let alone pack, lift and move my possessions. Very bad timing!It was so painful that I went to a doctor who ordered an ultrasound and x-rays. [...]

By |2010-08-04T04:14:00+00:00August 4, 2010|Miracles by Design|

Supernnatural Response

I was thinking today about my response to the 2006 confession of my husband which precipitated our divorce. It was totally unnatural.As he stood there that cold January night, having just uncorked years of bottled secrets under the pressure of fermented evil, something from above poured into me vertically, permeating my mind with a supernatural gift of forgiveness. It was that fast. As mercy met blame, it neutralized the power of bitterness with a preemptive strike, totally disintegrating its poised seeds.The natural response at that moment would have been to jump up and scratch his eyes out—but to this day, [...]

By |2010-08-03T03:05:00+00:00August 3, 2010|Miracles by Design|

The Fragrance of God

Have you ever experienced the aroma of God? It is the most beautiful scent I have ever absorbed. Beautiful was not the first adjective I was going to use to describe it. I tried several others, but they all seemed too contrived; none matched the essence of the aroma and so I'll just say it is beautiful.I first experienced it one night, shortly after coming back to the Lord. I used to sleep with my Bible on my chest because I wanted its life to permeate my being even as I slept. One night, I awoke to the sensing of [...]

By |2010-08-02T04:24:00+00:00August 2, 2010|Miracles by Design|

Just an Itty-Bitty Miracle

Some miracles are huge, like the sudden healing of my son's aneurysm, sparing him from almost certain death – and some are just little evidences of God's presence in our lives.My experience today is of the latter variety – just a little itty-bitty miracle.In my last home, I had a wonderful solarium where I spent time talking to God and praying for my family and other concerns. My glass patio table was perfect for studying because the design  accommodated a leaf from the dining room table and so I could have all my Bible study books right there without being [...]

By |2010-08-01T04:48:00+00:00August 1, 2010|Miracles by Design|


Finally unpacked in my new home! After all the drama of having to move and struggling to find God's direction for the path ahead – I'm home!My friend Jane-Anne stayed until about 2 a.m. after the movers left on Wednesday and we plowed through box after box, eventually turning confusion into the cozy charm of a my new abode. We were exhausted (having been up since 6 a.m.), hot and sweaty with the high humidity, but determined to finish the kitchen, living room and dining room that night. Indulging in intermittent showers, we finally put the last detail in place.Every [...]

By |2010-07-31T05:35:00+00:00July 31, 2010|Miracles by Design|


Today, rather than sharing a story of something wonderful God has done, I'm asking for prayer for two more miracles. I just found out today that two very special people, my sister Dona and a friend, Carol Ann Carter, have been diagnosed with cancer – Dona in her colon and Carol Ann in her breast. Please pray for both of them for recovery. Dona has five grandchildren and a son and a daughter and their spouses who love her so dearly an would miss her terribly if anything should happen to her. Carol Ann has a son and a daughter [...]

By |2010-07-28T03:19:00+00:00July 28, 2010|Miracles by Design|


Another day packing, loading, unpacking box after box as I travel back and forth from my home of four years to my new digs. The moving van will arrive bright and early Wednesday morning, but I'm trying to accomplish as much as possible myself because I'll be paying the movers twelve dollars for every five minutes of their time! Once again I'm writing when very tired, but I must share the amazing goodness of God.This has been a crazy time. When I was told three months ago that I had to move, I found it very difficult to look for, [...]

By |2010-07-27T04:51:00+00:00July 27, 2010|Miracles by Design|
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