
Miracles by Design
When the Miracle Doesn’t Happen
The daughter of one of our friends, a gorgeous, 23 year old college student who was recently named athlete of the year, was getting in some end-of-summer water-skiing and landed wrong. Despite our prayers, she died of a head injury.
From our perspective, there was no miracle – only horror.
But does there always have to be a miracle? Maybe we should try to see things from God’s perspective.
What is he doing in the lives of the rest of the family? In the lives of her friends? What is His plan? We can’t know – yet.
God is not a magician, waiting for our cues to pull rabbits out of hats; He is GOD – and He knows what He’s doing.
All I know is that I am so grateful that Jackey knew and loved Jesus and is with Him now – safe and waiting for the day she will be reunited with her mom and dad and sister.
Until then… we have to rest in the miracle that transformed her into a believer – because out of that, we have the miracle of hope.
Tongue Untied!
The project has been approved by the Durham Bd. od Ed. and I had a call in to the Catholic Bd., but had not yet connected with them.
This morning, I had barely awakened when the phone rang and a woman said she was returning my call. I recognized the name, but couldn’t place it in the long list of people I had been contacting. You have to understand that in the morning, my tongue just doesn’t work right. I’m not a morning person and it takes a good cup of coffee and abaout a half hour of wake-up time before I can talk straight.
When I realized it was the Catholic School Board lady, I just sent a quick prayer up and said, “Oh God, pleeeeze help me to talk straight!”
I am still amazed! I was totally clear and articulate – explained the entire project, with background, purpose etc., with nary an “um!” The woman was very interested and requested a meeting for Wednesday. Wow! Thank you Lord! 🙂
Another Healing!
Today a client came to take me out for lunch to celebrate the launching of her new children’s activity book – Brontosaurus Brunch – which I redesigned and republished for her.
It was obvious that she was in pain and proceeded to tell me that she had been to the doctor who had confirmed a torn rotator cuff in her shoulder, something else torn in the top of her back and something wrong with her elbow which was excruciatingly painful.
When she brought me home, she came in for a few minutes and I asked if she’d like prayer. I anointed her with oil and asked the Lord, in His compassion and grace, to heal her. I commanded her body to come under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and spoke restoration and healing in His Name to every sinew, muscle and cell in her body.
Prior to prayer, the woman had had almost no mobility in her arm. After prayer, she felt some popping in her ears and the pain in her arm began to dissipate. By the time she left, about a half hour later, she had full mobility in her arm and the pain was almost entirely gone. She left with a happy smile, full of joy and gratitude for the goodness of God and the reminder that nothing is too hard for Him!
Praise God for His mercy and grace! thank you Lord!
Tonight I was sitting behind a man in a red shirt at a meeting in Oshawa. He was a total stranger. All I knew about him was that he was bald and had rather large ears. What caught my attention was that he appeared to be in great pain with his back. When he would stand, his back appeared to be crooked and he stood on one leg, seemingly to relieve pressure. When he would sit down, he would put his arm behind his back in the pew as though to support his back.
I felt very sorry for him, leaned over and asked him if I could pray for his back. He nodded yes. I prayed a very short prayer, knowing that nothing would happen unless God did a miracle. Following the prayer, we didn’t speak again until the end of the service, but I noticed that he wasn’t putting his arm behind his back and did not appear to be in any discomfort throughout the rest of the meeting. At the end, he turned around to me and thanked me for praying. He said, “I want you to know that as soon as you prayed, instantly the pain left and my back is fine.”
Wow! what a great God we serve!
God Ideas
I’ve learned that there are three kinds of ideas – bad ideas, good ideas and God ideas. The trouble is that it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish between the latter two!
I’ve had a lot of good ideas in my life. For instance, when the threat of Y2K began to surface, I did a huge amount of research and determined that our world was most probably going to change radically and most people would be caught unaware. My deep concern led me to prepare not only for my family but for the whole community and beyond. I wrote a book “Y2K & YOU – A Home Preparation Guide.” Then I went all over the province speaking at Chapters stores and various groups. I opened a renewable energy store and sold all kinds of solar appliances, wood stoves etc., and carried information on wind generators for homes. I filled a storage room with 72 pound bags of beans, a year’s worth of toilet paper and enough food to feed my community for several months. I bought a wood stove with a hot water reservoir so that I would be able to make big pots of soup for hungry people. I filled hundreds of 2-litre pop bottles with chlorinated water for drinking. I installed huge barrels of water as reservoirs for non-drinking water. I had laser vision surgery for my eyes so that I would be able to see if my glasses were to be lost and unable to be replaced. I got some gold coins, knowing that paper money would be useless. Before the frost came, I had my husband dig a big hole in the back yard, on top of which we would have installed an outhouse, had my fears become reality. I had plans to buy a horse and buggy for transportation (we lived out in the country at the time). I devised a strategy called “Y2K – Block Action” for urban communities where people with differing gifts and abilities would help one another survive in defined areas and went around speaking about the plan. People thought it was great. It was all a good idea because if Y2K had become the disaster it was purported to be, my family and neighbours would have been looked after and I would have assisted everyone who read my book and heard me speak. I had all the bases covered! But it didn’t happen and I was left with a lot of returned books and a wallet a whole lot lighter than it would have been had I not gone to all that effort (to say nothing of the egg on my face!)
I have learned that whenever a major (or minor) decision is to be made, it’s wise to seek God’s confirmation – to make sure that He is really the one leading. He says, “Let every matter be established in the mouths of two or three witnesses.” It can save a lot of money, time and embarrassment!
My most recent request for God to confirm my direction came following a job offer. Here’s how it went:
2011 Record of confirmations re Diane Roblin-Lee working with NoBorders:
Jan 2 – I rec’d a job offer from Craig Gilroy. He needed an executive assistant – He wrote “the Lord led me to you. You have the skills and this fulfills the prophecy I had for your financial growth.” (I met Craig at a meeting over a year ago, following which he prophesied over me.)
Jan 9 – I suggested a meeting with Craig and Doug Schneider, senior pastor at my church, “The Embassy of the Kingdom of God.” partly because I wanted P. Doug to meet Craig and partly because I was seeking confirmation of the Lord’s leading
Jan 10 – My friend and I prayed together this morning. She said she heard God say that there will be a holy exchange between Craig and Doug Schneider. She said she saw a window between Craig and Doug and he would need to look through into Craig‘s heart. She saw the two shaking hands and heard the word “coalition.”
Jan 11 – I got up in the night to go to the washroom and, on the way back to bed thought maybe I should stay up and pray. I wished so much that God would speak to me clearly as He does to others. However, I got back into bed and thought, “Go down to the potter’s house.” My next thought was, “There I go, thinking totally random thoughts that have nothing to do with God.” Disgusted with my lack of spirituality, I went back to sleep.
Jan 12 – In the morning, I started my devotions by reading in Jeremiah where I happen to be en route from Genesis. When I turned the page, I was at Jer. 18 – “At the Potter’s House.” I practically fell off my chair, but then began to read and meditate on what God was trying to communicate to me.
Jan 13 – Craig ended his e-mail with., “He is the potter and none of us are perfected until we meet him in person.”
Jan 13 – I e-mailed P. Doug and told him all about the Potter confirmations
Jan 13 – I went to Pastor Doug’s Bible study. He was excited because he had just discovered that the Hebrew “ASAH” was used twice in Jer. 18 – it means to create something now out of material that already exists. However, he said nothing about Jer. 18 or the Potter in the study – until the man next to me said, “It’s like the story of the Potter.” Pastor Doug & I almost fell off our chairs.
P. Doug had a word for me after the study that God’s hand is on me in a very special way. He is creating something new in my life.
Jan 19 – I read Marsha Burns’ word for the day every day. Today it was:
Vision of the Cross
At 9:30 this morning, a very close friend of mine had a vision which God told her was to be “shared with the multitude.” Thus I am posting it here for you.
I saw YAHSHUA hanging on the cross and there was blood pouring out of his feet.
There was a person kneeling at the foot of the cross.
There were people standing behind the person kneeling at the cross and they were in a
cue waiting to come to the CROSS.
The cue began to widen like a great BLACK RIVER because there was such a multitude
waiting to come to the foot of the CROSS to have their cup filled.
The person kneeling at the CROSS had their hands above their head with their wrists
together and their hands were holding a cup.
The blood from YAHSHUA’S feet was pouring into the cup they were holding “THE
Then I saw YASHUA hanging on the CROSS and HIS toes were pointed together and
on either side of his feet were the WINGS OF A DOVE that were pointed downward and
forming the shape of a cup.
The person kneeling at the CROSS was now standing and their hands were lifted with
their wrists together.
This time there wasn’t a cup but their hands made the shape of a cup only they were the
wings of a dove.
All the people in the cue were now standing in a BLUE RIVER OF LIVING WATER
that was narrow at the FOOT OF THE CROSS and grew very wide.
REDEMPTION and were now given THE HOLY SPIRIT.
YAHSHUA’S wings from HIS feet were now pouring out THE HOLY SPIRIT into the
raised hands of wings of HIS REDEEMED.
The Basket
This morning at church, the minister invited people to speak out their needs to God. All around the church, voices quietly, in unison, spoke forth their requests. I gently spoke the names of each one of my precious family. As I spoke the names, I saw a big basket, like a hot air baloon basket, carrying everyone I named together in the basket. After a few moments, just prior to praying the morning, congregational prayer, the minister said, “The visual I had was of a big basket, carrying all the spoken requests up to God.”
A coincidence? More like a God-incidence I think!
Miracles are defined by Webster as “extraordinary events attributed to the supernatural; an unusual or astounding event; a remarkable example of something.”
According to that definition, my life has been full of miracles — extraordinary events that make me know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is real and cares about every detail of my life!
I keep saying that I need to journal the miracles—so why not share them with a world that needs to know that God is real and He loves us?!
In June of 2010, I needed a miracle and decided to blog about the journey with the following rationale.
It occurred to me that we tell about miracles God performs in our lives after they happen – but people don’t get to see the process of the unfolding of the miracle. Sometimes God acts suddenly in our lives with spontaneous miracles – but most often there’s a process of believing Him for a serious need and then watching Him respond, step by step, as He knits the necessary circumstances together.
Four years ago, I had to sell my beautiful home of 28 years due to a huge upheaval in our family. Suddenly, after 38 years of marriage, I was living all alone (with my little cockapoo Lola) in a rented apartment in Port Perry.
Now, four years later, I have been notified that I have to find new digs because my landlord is getting married and is inheriting four new heirs – for whom he needs my space.
While I have no desire to move, I feel confident that God has a plan and, just as He led me to this beautiful place, He has another home prepared for me. I just have to find where it is!
The problem lies in the fact that I have been looking for another apartment for the past month and am hitting nothing but dead ends. Everything is either too small or refuses pets. So – despite the fact that I’m just getting back on my feet financially after our enormous upheaval, I started to wonder whether God wants me to buy rather than rent. The only problem is that I have absolutely nothing for a down payment.
However, I have seen God work miracle after miracle in my life – and I don’t see why He would stop now. He has totally looked after me for the past four years while I went back to school, developed new skills and opened my new company, byDesign Media.
When I told my friend Moira that I was “pregnant” with a miracle, she said that I needed to write about it when it happens.
I decided to start writing now – before it happens, so that anyone who is interested can witness the anatomy of a miracle!
Where will the required down payment and closing costs of $40,000. come from? Will God make it possible for me to buy? It will take a miracle. Stay tuned for the step by step journey to a miracle!
UPDATE: It is now about three months since I started the “Anatomy of a Miracle.” As it turned out, I didn’t buy a house, but just a couple of days before my condition expired (just 2 weeks before the movers would arrive!) I went to meet a distant relative, Dennis, who wanted me to do some promotional work for him. In the process of our chat, he shared about his difficult divorce proceedings and how he was going to have to rent the main floor of his lovely new home. Knowing about my impending move, he suggested that if the purchase didn’t work out, I would be welcome to rent his house – which I have done and I LOVE living here. God’s fingerprints are all over it – from the park right beside the house where I run Lola, to the colours which perfectly coordinate with my furniture in every room and the thoroughly adequate space. I could go on and on about God’s perfect provision – but those who visit will see it first hand!
SECOND UPDATE: it is now 2015 And it is absolutely amazing what God has done with regard to my housing situation. When I moved to Uxbridge -see last update- I met a wonderful man, Morgan Sharp, at the Uxbridge church. We met Oct. 4, 2013 and were married Dec. 21, surrounded by our entire families, with their blessing. Morgan had a beautiful home in Uxbridge, where we lived for our first year. This February, we purchased a lovely home on the water – mortgage free. When I think back on the Unfolding of this miracle, I am in AWE. Thank You my Lord!


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Bethany Grace’s Dress
Tim’s Brain Scan