• Foreword by Rev. Dean Bursey - If you believe that Satan may be playing a part in your problems, this book can light your way to freedom! Rev. Del Zotto was an ordained minister (now deceased) in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Early in his ministry, the Lord placed him and his wife, Carmen, in counselling situations which demanded their recognition of the spiritual forces which influence...
  • The Funeral and Estate Planning Guide with an Advance Care Plan Guide is designed to help your loved ones organize the events necessitated by your health issues and eventual death.
  • An encouraging, practical workbook, guiding readers from where they are to where they want to be, this is a guided journey to living your passion.
  • Foreword by David Mainse reads: "Growing in the Spirit is a book which has been born of the Holy Spirit, and through these words I believe that God intends to stimulate greater spiritual growth than we have ever known before." - Rev. David Mainse, "100 Huntley Street". In Growing in the Spirit, the reader is permitted an extraordinarily candid, close-up examination of the...
  • Foreword by bestselling author Janette Oke. Hot Apple Cider (interior designed by Diane) is an anthology of short stories, both fiction and non-fiction, by 30 Canadian authors, including "The Joys and Surprises of Giving," by Diane Roblin-Lee. Hot Apple Cider is perfect for those quiet moments when one has time for only a short read. It is a smorgasbord of tasty morsels for every mood or...
  • 100 Stories From "100 Huntley Street" Everyone loves stories. The best ones show how an individual's story intersects with God's Good News, becoming an eternal story. This unique, inspiring volume contains 100 such stories from people who have shared their experiences on the "100 Huntley Street" telecast, Canada's daily Christian TV show. From salvation and healing to restored marriages and...
  • 75 Years of The Peoples Church by Diane Roblin-Lee – Foreword by Dr. Billy Graham. 1st place winner of the 2005 TWG Award in the Special Book category. This is the story of Toronto's Peoples Church, founded by Dr. Oswald Smith in 1928. It chronicles the life of Dr. Smith and how the church grew from his seed of prayer to become a worldwide vehicle for the outpouring of God's love....
  • Explores and discusses the role of the brain in child sexual abuse and restoration. There is plenty of evidence surfacing that the stress of child molestation can cause actual brain damage in some individuals – but that the damage may be reversible.
  • Helping Children Understand Disabilities
  • By: Rev. Gordon Williams with Diane Roblin-Lee
  • From Childhood to Grandparenthood – Listening to the Sound of His Voice. Seventy-eight true stories of everyday people at every stage of life.
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