Parent / child sex abuse education
Predator-Proof Your Family Series – #3 by Diane Roblin-Lee, Foreword by Dr. Melodie Bissell
Parent/Child Education
Incredibly, we entrust the identification of pedophiles to the smallest, most vulnerable members of society—our children! By the time they tell us they don’t like going to Uncle Charlie’s house, it’s often too late. Damage has already been done.
Whom can we trust? What is the “grooming process”? How can we manage the dangers of the Internet? What do we do if we suspect that someone may be a predator? Get answers to these questions and more in Predator-Proofing our Children
- Teaching the Importance of Being Trustworthy
- Living in a “Different” World
- Kicking it up a Notch
- Recognizing the Warning Signs
- Whom Can We Trust?
- The “Grooming” Process
- Managing the Internet
- What to do if You Suspect Someone
- Letting the Law Deal With It
- Community Protection
- In Remembrance of Victoria
- Plan to Protect
The past may be irreparable—but the future is available.